Embark on a perilous journey through a dark, sinister Osaka as Shin, a Demon Hunter plagued by amnesia. In this gripping occult-infused cyberpunk metroidvania, you’ll battle ferocious demons, reclaim lost abilities, and unravel the mysteries of your forgotten past.
The Quest Begins
As Shin, you find yourself devoid of memories, but an unlikely alliance with Lux, a demon capable of transforming into a sword and manipulating time, sets you on a path to rediscover your history and the fate of your loved ones. Engage in intense battles against malevolent demons and navigate a treacherous, corrupted world to reclaim what is rightfully yours.
Gameplay Overview
Lux, the Demon Sword, is a versatile ally offering a range of utilities. She can execute powerful attacks, shield you from harm, serve as a platform, and even restore objects from the past. Utilize Lux’s abilities to survive in a desolate, demon-infested Osaka.
As you defeat demons and level up, you can unlock new skills through the skill tree. Acquire the “Warp” skill to traverse the map freely or the double-jump skill to access previously inaccessible areas, expanding your exploration possibilities.
Beyond Lux, Shin’s arsenal includes firearms, greatswords, and whips. Experiment with various weapons to develop your unique combat style and tackle challenges with flexibility.
Exploring the World
This latest metroidvania from Team Ladybug, renowned for titles like “Touhou Luna Nights” and “Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth,” offers a vast map filled with side quests. These quests not only deepen your connection to the world but also enrich the narrative of “Blade Chimera.”
The Origins of the Demon War
The story unfolds from the sudden emergence of a horrific demonic horde, sparking the “Demon War” that pitted humans against ghouls and ghosts. This catastrophic event forever altered the world.
Thirty years later, the “Holy Union,” a religious group skilled in demon combat, has established a small yet stable enclave for survivors, marking a fragile beacon of hope in a world overrun by darkness.