In the trailer, Stellar Blade combat looks Soulsborne but trailers never tell everything. Today, we are here to answer the question of is Stellar Blade soulslike or not.
The PlayStation 5 exclusive is inspired by Square Enix’s sci-fi dystopian RPG Nier: Automata .
However, Stellar Blade’s source of inspiration does not end with Nier: Automata or Bayonetta for that matter. Its methodical combat and parry system is similar to the aforementioned Soulsbornes.
And to answer the que gw tion of is Stellar Blade soulslike or not — yes, Stellar Blade is a soulslike game, at least to some ext.en. The city of Xion is crawling with challenging boss fights that require diligence and patience.

Soulslike Elements in Stellar Blade
Sekiro’s parry system is in full play here and is at the crux of Stellar Blade combat. Like in Sekiro, if you successfully parry attacks in quick succession, your enemy’s parry bar will eventually be depleted, allowing you to unleash Retribution , a punishing kill maneuver.
Even outside of combat, Stellar Blade is a soulslike. Resting stations (that works like bonfires in Dark Souls ) are scattered all across the map, where Eve can rest and replenish her health, health potions, and SP. The rest also respawns all of the enemies in the area except for the boss.
Exploring the Stellar Blade world also felt similar to Dark Souls or Bloodborne , since both are equally related to the city of Xion.

There’s a room with a locked door here, that maybe a pathway leading to a different place. And an enemy looks just right in the middle, so be wary if you find yourself entering an abandoned room — there’s bound to be an enemy coming from the left and right.
What we can assure is that there is no early save point in any of the Stellar Blade playthroughs. But, on the contrary, Stellar Blade isn’t the complete soulsbornes.
It offers an intricate skill tree, unlike the other soulslike games, except for Sekiro. The story primarily comes from cutscenes rather than item bits or environmental cues. And, in the end, Stellar Blade has different difficulty options, meaning you can reduce the challenge of any boss fight. Then, is Stellar Blade soulslike? Fam, yes, with quite a lot of no.