Norland Mobile
Lead your noble family in Norland Mobile APK, medieval colony sim and balance the vicious jockeying of family politics with the deft diplomacy of statecraft. Tend to your people’s needs and ambitions as you traverse the vast wilderness of the new world, make and break alliances, and foster a thriving ecosystem of culture, commerce, and infrastructure. Balance the success of your people with the needs of your nobles: will you spare their hardworking sons from the perils of war, or sacrifice communes to protect them in the church’s arms?
The Empire has fallen, leaving in its place multiple successor Kingdoms. The lords and ladies of these kingdoms have the faith and strength of their lineages, but their foes have not rested either. In the ashes of the empire, land is shattered and every halfwit with a sword is able to raise a private army.
Famines drive thousands forwards, to the wealthy cities that lie as traps for peasant and lord alike. From the north march the armies of the Khanate, commanded by ruthless men with nothing else to lose. With an Empire now merely a painful memory, the north is torn by petty lords and crippled churches.
About Norland APK
You are Hugh, the third son of the least important noble in your area. Your Lord has moved south for the winter. Now, as the vueltas begin to close the roads and the petty kings emerge from their corners, it falls upon you to finish your father’s work.
The survival of your family comes before that of all else; neglect that and you will fealty to a new ruler. commit regicide and you will become your father. There are no other roads.
There’re plenty of skills that determine which of your family members are best served in various tasks – who among them are the greatest warriors, the greatest taskmasters, the greatest scribes, or the greatest negotiators? Seek to further improve their strengths, training your children in order to assure the future of your line and to unlock additional talent in future generations. Beyond their skill-level, each family member has a series of traits that determine their personalities and what they bring to the table, a wide range of cultural backgrounds which affect how they are perceived and treated by others, and a lot of general needs and wants that you should keep an eye on – people generally tend to become less loyal when their needs are not met. And that’s when the knives will come out. Will you seek to smooth things over with gifts and togetherness, which will increase the general personal satisfaction of your nobles? Or will you strike first in order to stamp out any threat to the members of your family who would be preferable?
Sometimes, the blood you draw is that of your own kin – armed with ambition, greed, and generally opportunistic thinking, the members of your family will be quick to draw blades against their own brethren under the right circumstances, whether they’re spurned lovers, greedy siblings, or general pissers of the family pot some are also in the pocket of foreign kings and queens. Your kingdom will only be able to do what your nobles know – they will spend time studying ancient texts in order to learn new technologies, and should they perish, the knowledge they have gathered will go with them unless they manage to write it down or to pass it on to their students. Gather books in new languages and read them in order to unlock new buildings for your kingdom and tools for your nobles. Make sure that more of your family members can learn their secrets by getting the text translated into a language that they speak, which will prevent a sudden loss of knowledge should the person aiming to study it get hit by an arrow. But will you keep the knowledge to yourself? Or will you make copies of these writings in order to trade them off to others for coin and future favours? After all, no one ever became poorer from having tradegoods.
Powered by Peasants
Peasants of Norland Mobile are the scum and waste of the society, yet who can belay that they are not an essential part of any kingdom, serving Lord’s good both on the battlefield and in the yards, being respectful and loyal. But let their bellies be empty, let there be not enough drink in the barrel, and you will see how easily they can be manipulated to revolt, to rob and kill, doing all mischief and punishment can hang on them. Would you, the lord, answer to their complaints with an executioner’s ax, or try to placate them as their gracious and merciful master?
Through acting by means of your nobles, you can tell your peasants where work, what should they focus on, and when to fight. Even though you do not exercise control over the lower class of your society, whose members are no longer just numbers on a Sims-style chart, they form hopes, dreams, and relations as well. It is crucial to manage them correctly, as they are the only ones who will maintain the complex production chains of your city and build the reliable production of structures, gather resources, and produce more goods to eat, drink, and feel happy. The average peasant will use the accumulated wealth to lead a pleasant life, thus you need to control wages handed out by the end of every day and the food and dish cost at the local market. High wages and low purchasing power will also encourage migration, but be wary of who you can invite to your lands. These newcomers can come from different medieval cultures often not particularly friendly with one another and your city is small enough to have them attend the same festivities.
Sometimes, you can use this fact to your benefit, but if the population objects to your noble family’s background that much, ordering extra guards might be the only way to prolong your life a bit. There are some peasants who wholeheartedly follow the Church of Saint Sophia and originated to pay most attention to nobles’ piety. However, the most reliable part of the population only need money to have a good old life consisting of bread and beer. There are other factions and, later, subfactions, who have their preferences, and as you expand and get stronger, these subdivided groups will form shifting alliances where they share similarities and other ones. However, even when they are ultimately on your side, their actions and ways will not always conform to your plans, and you will never be completely shielded from their separate plans. In case such tensions burst out of nowhere, don’t think twice to set a nightly patrol, or even chopping off a couple of rowdy heads with an actual ax. Sending them a message will be enough for the peasant to return to normal, but do not have an iron curtain around you as even the greatest noble lord is just one furious crowd away from becoming a head located atop a pike.
It is also a dying world – people are not born in great numbers, and even fewer of them decide to stay in adult age, as beyond its cities’ protective walls, life is brutal and short. It is you, the player character, who would soon have to leave to look for adventure – yet another optimistic graduate with an expensive education and no job prospects.
This is where the real adventure begins, and you will be able to experience the world of Norland APK for yourself! May it await full of deeds large and small, just as you, the heroes of old, and the not-so-heroic at all, have chosen for it!
The Empire was a vast expanse of land, and its collapse has been littered with a great many predecessor kingdoms. It is important to note that the resources may not be to your satisfaction in each and every one of them – the potential starting regions will offer a new player with a variety of advantages and challenges to overcome. Send your nobles of appropriate skill to find alliances via marriage, negotiate most lucrative trade deals, and plot various assassinations; who is to say that a good kidnapping will not serve you well or that inciting a rebellion is a bad idea? Will you attempt to find spies and conspirator within other kingdoms and bring them to their knees from the inside, or would you prefer to settle your squabbles on the open field of battle and let strength decide who is correct? More importantly, what will you do when, inevitably, your enemies would do the same and send vermin and hosts of their armies at you? Of course, watch history play out – events and calamities will keep throwing you for a loop, forcing you to navigate the morass of betrayal and bravery the infinite nobles and peasants of Norland APK weave. Beware of kidnapped relatives and plague infested refugees, beware of blackmail and mountainside erosion; beware of everything, as, truly, the world is out to get you.
Time for WAR
Do note, however, that the world is not yours to monopolize, either. Just as you can send your relatives and envoys, nobles of the required skill and amateur diplomats in badly tailored garb out to search for opportunities, so can all the other frumpy monarchs of Norland Mobile. Bandits will marauders will create encampments in the outskirts of civilization. Predecessors and the current holders of power will make plays for each other’s titles and fall into wars of attrition. Will you side with them, sending envoys your Barbara to make a polite request for a recruitment station? Will you join them, hosting their travelling bands of warriors? Or do you simply do not care, resolved to make a stand and fall against everyone that dares look upon the naked steel of your warriors?
Dissent and rebellion will see your peasants raise arms against you, and while a poorly armed riot can be crushed by a well-trained and loyal militia, not all groups plotting against you will be so lightly armed, and a succession crisis or power-mad relative may be your greatest threat. Keep public order in check and stay on guard against enemies hiding in your midst.
Your warriors are the very people who tend your fields, brew your ale, and cheer on your executioners – war is not to be taken lightly as valuable lives are risked with each battle. Will you avoid bloodshed at all cost, or are the lives of your people a sacrifice you’re willing to make?
The equipment in your warrior’s hands and on their backs must either be imported or be manufactured locally, limiting the makeup of your armies based on your economy – plan far ahead before declaring war, and before war is declared on you.
Defend your home from foreign invaders, or take it to them on the world map and go all out, commanding the forces you have raised and armed – it will come down to morale, combat skills, and sheer tactical acumen to determine a victor, but all are at risk when the clash of steel takes over.
With countless scenarios to chose from and a wealth of options that define not only your nobles but the world around them, Norland Mobile challenges you to build a society and write any sort of story – Warmongers with penal legions fighting to escape or drown in the tides of unrest, highly educated religious zealots preaching the good word and bidding the rich and poor to listen and repent, if not necessarily in that order; wealthy, multicultural idealists hoarding tomes of knowledge in hopes all else starve, their atrocities relegated to far-off lands, or treacherous spymasters charismatic and quick, insolent usurpers who only talk of whispers, and whispering only when they talk of knives… what story will you tell?